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Recordings, Books, and Video

Select one of the categories below or to the left to see a list of audio and video recordings, scores and librettos of American operas, as well as books and articles by or about its composers. Recommended recordings are marked with a red star.

usopera.com recommends:
Gian Carlo Menotti
The Consul
One of the great operas of the twentieth century, here led by Beverly O'Regan Thiele as Magda. A wonderful and inexplicably rare studio recording of this landmark work.

Opera recordingsExcerpts and ariasBooks and articles
Recordings of complete or mostly complete operasRecordings of individual arias, excerpts, or orchestral arrangementsBooks and articles by and about American composers and their operas
Opera scores and librettiOpera videosMiscellaneous resources
Vocal and orchestral scores and librettoesVideo recordings of operas or excerptsNonmusical works and other recordings, books, or videos